Our team member will work with you to decide which sale method is best suited for your property. The decision will be based on what you, the client wants, what the demand for such properties is like, time of year and recent market activity.
Agents fees are negotiable and not related to the type of sale you choose, ie. Auction is no more expensive than private sale. The advertising fee is completely flexible according to your budget. Fees are not charged up front, they are deducted at the end from the deposit the buyer pays.
We offer:
- Private Sale — a set price is advertised, usually with internet only advertising. This system involves less pressure and usually takes a bit longer to achieve a result.
- Auction - Ideal for high demand properties where there are likely to be multiple buyers. Also suited to unique properties that may be harder to value accurately. Most importantly a deadline is set. Buyers are forced to make a decision. Reserve is always controlled by the owner and need not be decided until closer to auction day.
- Tender — buyers are encouraged to put their best offers forward in a sealed envelope by a set date. The owner chooses the best offer that most suits their needs.
- Off the market (quiet) sales — these are very private sales that usually come about without advertising. Our extensive database is scanned to try to find a match.
- For sale by negotiation — is a private sale that sets a price range rather than a set asking price. This is a low pressure approach that encourages buyers to make offers within a defined range.