For assistance during office hours, please contact the office on 9375 9375 or email your property manager
Office business hours
Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday 8.30am - 1.30pm
Renters should:
- use the emergency phone numbers they were given when they moved in to contact the relevant trades (Listed Below)
- confirm their request in writing to their property manager in case they need to prove they made the request
The law defines a list of urgent repairs. Anything else is a non-urgent repair. A repair is non-urgent if the renter can continue to safely live in the property. Non-urgent repairs include things like a broken dishwasher or loose bathroom tiles.
If a repair is not on the list below, it is a non-urgent or general repair.
Urgent repairs must be done immediately because they make the property unsafe or difficult to live in.
PLEASE NOTE : if a tradesman is engaged and the repair is deemed non urgent,or a general repair, the renter will be liable for all costs
Anything on this list is legally defined as an urgent repair:
- -burst water service
- -blocked or broken toilet system
- -serious roof leak
- -gas leak
- -dangerous electrical fault
- -flooding or serious flood damage
- -serious storm or fire damage
- -an essential service or appliance for hot water, water, cooking, heating, or laundering is not working
- -the gas, electricity or water supply is not working
- -a cooling appliance or service provided by the rental provider is not working
- -the property does not meet minimum standards
- -a safety-related device, such as a smoke alarm or pool fence, is not working
- -an appliance, fitting or fixture that is not working and causes a lot of water to be wasted
- -any fault or damage in the property that makes it unsafe or insecure, including pests, mould or damp caused by or related to the building structure
- -a serious problem with a lift or staircase.
- Electrician:
Sparky Clarky (Tom) 0433 667 714
Rogan Electrical (Dane) 0431 170 784 - Plumber
Rosehill Plumbing (Mark) 0419 106 768
Schembri Plumbing (James) 0432 226 841
- State Emergency Service 13 25 00
- Police / Ambulance/ Fire brigade 000